
July 24, 2011
So, we're getting there at last! Just over two weeks before filming begins. On top of that, we've got a whole load of creatures ready for animation, and I've sorted out the colour grades and other things needed for us to begin. So the first episode should be online wthin a few months! FINALLY!


April 18, 2011
I've finally got around to learning how to use the amazing free 3d program, Blender. So now, all visual effects will be CGI, not stop motion! So much easier for me!
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March 12, 2011
I've finally got round to composing some soundtrack for the show. Some of these can be found in the multimedia section. The complete soundtrack will be released after the final episode of the series.
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Another Update

March 5, 2011
OK, well, first of all, I've got new software to do the special effects. FXHome's brilliant VisionLab Studio.
Also, there's been some casting changes:


and TOM LEE is a maybe.

But we're almost there!

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Total Revamp

February 5, 2011
Both the site and the series have had huge revamps. We've got new scripts, new effects, a new cast and a new team. Primordial will return! 

There will now be seven episodes in series one, and as of yet we have no other series planned. The new team consists of:

Ben Jewer - Writer, creative designer, animator, director, head guy in general, God (you can probably tell who's writing)
Joel Britton -  Creative designer, script editor, stunt coordinator, director
Nile Stephenson - Script editor, model p...
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Raptor gets some skin

July 5, 2010
I'm currently waiting for the first bit of skin on the raptor to dry. I have stuck it on, it's looking good!


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Latex-ing: the return

July 5, 2010
Latex-ing has finally worked! Really well!
I've now got 2 chunks of dino skin:

It's a fantastic cast, it holds the texture really well. Now I have to stick it onto Raptor's side...

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July 4, 2010
Again, although I added grease, the latex stuck down around the edges. Grrrr... I'll use clay next time.
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Latex-ing update

July 4, 2010
Ahh! The latex stuck to the blu-tac!
Must try again, this time with a layer of grease...
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July 4, 2010
I've painted my skin and head casts with latex and they're now drying. Take a look:

The smallest one is the head. You can't see it clearly because of the angle and size etc. and it won't really matter if it looks a bit shoddy 'cos it's only gonna be on screen a few seconds and then it'll be moving too fast to see clearly. It's just the general shape that matters.

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